nano tech 2024

Wed. 1.29 - Fri. 31 2025
Tokyo Big Sight & Conference Tower

HOMEnano tech Grand Prize 2024

 nano tech Grand Prize 2024

What is the nano tech Grand Prize?

The "nano tech grand prize" as the best exhibitor and each "category prize" as the best exhibitor will be decided by the nano tech executive committee members based on the following evaluation criteria.

Valuation Basis

1. advanced and originality
  • Whether or not the technology development has a focus, idea, novelty, or originality
  • Identification of basic fundamental technology, technology of major components, peripheral technology, or technology for practical application
  • Potential benefits or commercialization prospects that can be expected in the future
2. Merchantability, Marketability, and Economy
  • Adaptability to the needs for the commercialization plan
  • Novelty or superiority of the business model
  • Sales results (actual data, etc.), and for those without results, sales plan (planned timing, quantity, price, etc.)
3. Other
  • Environmental preservation and safety features that have been devised or taken into consideration

Prize System

1.nano tech Grand Prize

Products and technologies that are comprehensively superior in terms of advancedness/utility/business potential and are expected to contribute to society/industry

【Awards in Each Category (8 awards in Total)】
2. Material Award

Particularly outstanding nanomaterials technology/products among the products/technologies that are equivalent to the above Grand Prize winners

3. Analytics Award

Particularly outstanding measurement/evaluation/analysis technology/product among the products/technologies that are equivalent to the above Grand Prize winners

4. Nano Process Award

Particularly outstanding nanofabrication technology/products among the products/technologies that are equivalent to the above Grand Prize winners

5. 産学連携賞

Highly developed technology through collaboration between industry and academia that shows promise for commercialization.

6. Special Award

Special Award

7. Business Matching Award
Exhibitors that actively engaged in business creation by sending the highest number of applications and making the most number of appointments in the business matching system

8. Green Transformation Award

Technologies contributing to green transformation

9. ACS Publications Award

Independently reviewed and selected by the American Chemical Society as a special sponsor

Awarded Companies and Reasons for Award

1.nano tech Grand Prize

Resonac Corporation (Booth No. 4B-17)

The exhibition will feature a wide range of products and the latest technologies related to GX and DX, which contribute to the future society that we want to realize as a chemical company, as well as proposals for co-creation with our customers.

2. Material Award

TPR Co., Ltd. (Booth No. 5K-09)

As a new business venture of an automotive parts manufacturer, the company is promoting the production and application development of carbon nanotubes. We commend the company for developing a flexible thermoelectric power generation device that can generate electricity even with a temperature difference of only 20 degrees Celsius, and for aiming to apply it to various fields.

3. Analytics Award

HORIBA, Ltd. (Booth No. 4F-12)

In addition to exhibiting features and case studies, such as particle analysis equipment, the exhibition was commended for exhibiting perovskite solar cells and spectroscopic analysis equipment for artificial photosynthesis under the title of "Next Generation Elemental Technology.

4. Nano Process Award

Mito Kogyo Company Limited (Booth No. 4H-09)

The award recognizes the development of advanced sensors and the development of technology that uses IoT and AI to detect foreign objects and measure vibrations in the product manufacturing process and control them accordingly.

5. Academic-industrial Alliance Award

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Chugoku (Booth No. 4T-06)

The committee commends the development of organic and bio-materials, such as using azuki bean pomace to prevent dyeing from fading, in collaboration with a local company, in an effort to revitalize the local community.

6. Special Award

Korea Pavilion (Booth No. 4Q-07)

The award recognizes Korea's comprehensive efforts in nanotechnology development, including the establishment of a national industrial complex for nano-integration and the development of diverse nanomaterials such as CNTs and CNF-filled resins with a view to recycling.

7. Business Matching Award

Schrödinger (Booth No. 4T-26)

The award recognizes the company's active efforts to create business for its proprietary molecular simulation platform by utilizing a business matching system.

8. Green Transformation Award

Nanocellulose Japan (5V-11) / ​Ministry of the Environment Nano Cellulose Promotion Project (Booth No.: 5V-15)

The paper industry organized a consortium to promote the development of cellulose nanofiber (CNF) technology and applications, and the exhibition of a concept car using CNF was commended.

9. ACS Publications Award

Yamagata University Innovation Center for Organic Electronics (Booth No. 4L-23)

Based on the world's most advanced organic materials, nanotechnology, and printing technology, the university is working toward the realization of sustainable electronics. By combining the systematized academics that Yamagata University has cultivated over many years with the outstanding development capabilities of industry, the university is creating innovations that will contribute to the next-generation IoT society. The University was judged worthy of this award because it is also outstanding in that it has become a place where young people from both the university and industry are active and lively, and where the next generation will take the lead.

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