Handling of Personal Information

Handling of personal information at nano tech

nano tech Executive Committee (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") handles and protects the personal information of its customers in accordance with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information," "JIS Q 15001 (Personal Information Protection Management System)," and JTB Communication Design, Inc. Personal Information Protection Policy (https://www.jtbcom.co.jp/en/privacypolicy/), as follows We will handle and protect the personal information of our customers as follows. We ask that you provide us with your personal information only after you have read and agreed to the following terms and conditions.

Organized by : nano tech executive committeeJTB Communication Design, Inc.

1. Organizer

JTB Communication Design, Inc. Trade Show Business Unit,
Co-Creation DepartmentDirector-General Hirohisa Hasegawa

TEL: +81-3-5657-0623
mail: jcd-expo@jtbcom.co.jp

2. Purpose for which personal information is to be used

The personal information we receive will be used for various procedures related to exhibiting and participating in this exhibition, conference, and seminar, as well as for sending out e-mails.
It will also be used to provide information on various events and information related to Organized by, and to provide information and information on events and seminars related to the industry, and to distribute e-mails, etc.

3. Provision of information to third parties

If you authorize us to read your visitor badge information at an exhibitor booth at the exhibition Venue, we will provide your registration information to the exhibitor at that booth.

After registering to visit the show, your registration information will be provided to the exhibitor to whom you accessed the exhibitor information page or downloaded materials or watched videos. Personal information provided to exhibitors may be used for sales, marketing, and other purposes, and you may receive e-mail, direct mail, or other information at a later date. Please confirm the handling of personal information by exhibitors on each company's exhibitor page, website, etc.

We may provide personal information to sponsors and supporting companies for the purpose of providing information on future events.

If you attend a presentation or seminar, we may provide your registration information to the lecturers and other persons associated with the lecturers who give the presentation or seminar.

If this exhibition is held concurrently with another exhibition and allows you to participate in more than one exhibition with a single registration, we may provide your registration information to the other exhibitors Organized by.

The name, department name, and e-mail address entered as the exhibitor applicant on the application form will be automatically synchronized with the business matching system after the application is completed, and the name and department name will be displayed in the "Search/Recommend List" in the system.

* Personal Information Items to be Provided

Company name, department, title, work address, work telephone number, name, e-mail address, etc.

4. Outsourcing of information processing to third parties

For the smooth operation of this exhibition, conference, seminar, etc., personal information entrusted to us will be entrusted to a third party with whom we have concluded a nondisclosure agreement.

5. Making requests concerning your information

We will promptly respond to your requests for disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, notification of purpose of use, suspension of use, elimination, and suspension of provision to third parties. Please contact the personal information manager above.

6. Voluntary provision of personal information

The provision of personal information is voluntary. However, if you do not provide the required information, you may not be able to exhibit or participate in nano tech (exhibitions, conferences, seminars, etc.).

7. Handling of personal information in a way that ensures individuals cannot be identified

We may use cookies, etc., to investigate how our customers use our website, but we do not obtain any personal information such as customers' names, addresses, telephone numbers, or e-mail addresses through this process.
However, we may link personal information such as your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address obtained through input forms, business card exchanges, etc., and your use of the website obtained through the use of cookies, etc., and use this information for sales activities for related events such as exhibitions and seminars.

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